Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Rest of Today

Today was a pretty good day. It feels like school is floating on by, because I care so little about it. Homework? What's that? No, I finish my work. I just basically don't care about it. Although I guess I care enough to do it.. Who knows?

Bah, humbug. Drama up in hurr. Not in my life, but in the lives of my friends still. More friends now with drama. I wish I could help them with it, but it's the kind of drama that can't exactly be fixed. It's not like a dumb fight over a pencil, but more like a situation that is dramatic by nature. I don't know if I can make it make any more sense than that. Basically the drama is caused by external sources, so there's nothing that can be done except wait it out. Which is what I used to always try to do, and I don't know why I stopped.. It used to work beautifully, as far as I can remember. But it must have stopped working well because now I confront most things.

At least, with my close friends I do.

My toleration skills are getting so good!! It used to be I would just walk away when I saw someone I didn't like with people I do like. Now I can sit as long as thirty minutes with them before needed to excuse myself. Progress is awesome.

In my Chinese class we're doing these competition things, which I don't actually care about, but I know that if I didn't have to be on a team I would win it all. My team is bringing me down. Who cares that there's no I in team? There's an I in win. And that's what I'd be doing if everyone wasn't such a dumbass. But if every kid wasn't such a dumbass, then maybe I couldn't win against them.. Hmm interesting thought. Still, when I'm in Chinese, homicide doesn't sound as crazy.

Speaking of Chinese, today at Tsing Tao I had really yummy food.

In my math class, I was surprised to figure out that I know the names of 19 kids out of like 30! That's awesome! At first I thought it was like 7. And then, I kept counting people I recognized, and it was so shocking! In a sort of pleasant way. Even though I dislike most of the people in the class, knowing most of their names makes me feel more justified in disliking them. Like if no one knew Hitler's name, I think they'd dislike him less, because he'd be kind of anonymous. Knowing who someone is makes that person significantly more relateable/hateable. I'm just having a lot of brain blasts here, who knows where they're coming from?

Today at BYBA a few other members and I talked to our Public Relations person to see if we can get some publicity about our trip to DC to go lobby for the FREED Act. That was cool.

Someone anonymous said I decided to shun him or her in a comment, and I just wanted to acknowledge that person. If I decided to shun you, there was probably a reason for it, and that comment was abrasive in its nature and it's a good thing I don't know who you are or I think you'd be embarrassed, which is why I'm speculating you're staying anonymous. No hard feelings, I just wonder why you would want to make yourself known in that way.

Today I posted a quote from This Side of Paradise by Fitzgerald on my tumblr; I think that'll be less like a blog and more like a place to put my quick random thoughts. Maybe it'll be fun.

What a random post. This series of random thoughts... Ah well.

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