Saturday, March 12, 2011

What's a Three Piece?

Again, it struck me how weird it is that anyone can read this. I think I'll change the privacy settings.

Today I went to school, hung with some people, then hung with some other people. There was this get together for my friend's birthday and the cops came and everyone had to leave; that was exciting. I ended up just going to Mark's and hanging out more.

I changed my oil, but I still need to change my tires, apparently. The lady at the place said they were worn, but I don't want to spend more time on my car. It's just to get me from place to place, but I guess I also want it to be safe.

As I was driving home I could smell smoke from the Left Hand Canyon fire. Also there's one in Lyons, and yesterday there was a fire on Pearl St. that burned down a restaurant! This earthquake in Japan led to tsunamis.. All this crap is happening. Not just in nature, either, but also politically. With all the revolution and rebellion going on in the Middle East (especially Libya)... It just feels like the world is slowly, piece by piece, falling apart. I think believing in 2012 is dumb, but sometimes I have this hunch that maybe it isn't, and maybe it's real and believable. I wish I could just see it as a hoax, but it's too persuasive.
I learn that a pink sock is when during anal sex the male pulls out his penis and a bit of butt is stuck to it and the large intestine (or whatever) gets inverted for a second and it looks like the end of a pink sock on the dick. It's gross, but funny.


  1. uhh urban dictionary has an interesting definition of a three piece. check it.

  2. haha i know, but it doesn't seem right, which is why i asked :P
