Friday, March 4, 2011

Loneliness > Shitty People

I just realized how weird it is that basically anyone, whether I know them or not, can look at my blog and know a lot of details of my whereabouts and details about me.. Because basically what I'm doing here is documenting my daily activities and I've gotten into the habit of saying one main emotional thing, sort of.. But this is pretty therapeutic for me, so I'll just let dem stalkers be creepy.

So today I woke up at 7:28 and realized I had to book shit to get to school, which I did, and got to school at like 7:50. Not bad. I did this, only to walk into my Chinese class to find that we were just looking at pictures from the China trip of 2010. For the whole period, we just looked at pictures. It was awesome, but the biggest waste of time!! Oh well. For 4th, lunch, and 6th, I went to Lindsay's house and ate and watched 1.5 movies (500 Days of Summer and most of Hairspray, the latter of which I've never seen before). Then I came back to school for Digital Art and Design.

In Digital Art we're working on this product design where we make up an energy drink (but I'm making a tea) and pick a demographic and sort of target our design towards that audience. It's pretty cool, and I thought it would suck at first, but I actually like my design. It's nice.

After school, I went to Mark's and we watched The Office until he had to go meet his Grandpappy to see if a bunch of his friends can go to a little house/cottage/villa/shack (can you tell I don't know what exactly it is? I think it's a house) in Indiana.. And, drum roll, he said yes! The only thing is that Mr. Grandpappy has to ask his brother. So, that will be cool.

While Mark was chatting with Grandpappy, I went to my grandma's for the first time in a while. She fed me and we talked for a bit, then I went back to Mark's where a bunch of us played Need for Speed, hot tubbed, then went to Ryan's to watch Zach and Miri Make a Porno (which I loved).

I also realized today that I would SOOO much rather be lonely than be with people I don't like, which may not be unique, but it kind of nailed me on the head and I just suddenly was aware of how much I appreciate my friends. So my advice is to spend time with people you like, because you're going to die and do you really want to have spent your life with people you hate?

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