Monday, March 28, 2011


The last few days I didn't really have access to a computer, so I didn't post anything about being in Costa Rica. Just as well; I didn't do much. I relocated to the Flamingo resort in what I think was Guanacosta or something, and lounged around. The beach was awesome but it smelled like fish, like any beach, and the water was super salty, like any ocean. I normally prefer the pool to the beach, just because it doesn't have sand or salt. But I'm also terrified of the sun, so if I can, I avoid being in the water for too long no matter what.

The last day, I got a gnarly sunburn that gave me these gross bubble type things on my shoulder with puss in them. Ew. It's better now, but it was super gross and painful.

Yesterday I traveled back home and had a great night's sleep in my own bed (imagine angels singing in heaven - it was THAT good), got up in the morning and went to work out, then hung at home to catch up on my shows and do some Chinese. After all of that, I went to Mark's to hang out, did some dancing and some pingponging, which was nice. I played Ryan and felt very competent, like a much fairer match for him. Go ping pong skillz!!

We all hung out with Phil later, and I caught up with some people I haven't seen in a while, which was nice. Now I'm going to sleep with Ashley.



  1. Vally this sounds wrong. We're going to sleep togetherrr.

  2. nerds. I like that "imagine angels singing in heaven" part. cause i did and it was funny.
