Friday, March 18, 2011

Going With the Flow

I'm in Costa Rica and the weather is B-E-A-utiful. I love it, and I can't wait to stop looking at this computer screen.

Hopefully I'll be able to post pictures onto here once I get back; until then you'll just have to look up 'Costa Rica' on google images.

Yesterday we spent the wholee day traveling, which kind of sucked, but I also slept a lot and read a lot, which hasn't happened in a while. Also today my mom got an email saying I missed school, and I remembered that I forgot to fill out an extended absence form, but oh well. It's a vacation; who cares about school? Plus I told all my teachers already where I would be. It's nice not having to worry about school for a while. The only homework I brought was Beloved by Toni Morrison, and reading that will be at least semi-enjoyable. Although annotating is by far not my favorite task, the book makes me think, which I like.

I'm almost finished with I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou, and it is fantastic. I hate that it took me so long to read it, because I would have loved it a couple of years ago, but whatever. I love reading not only because of the vocabulary and the spelling and comprehension and writing skills that seemingly automatically come with it, but also because of the connections I make while I'm reading. I read Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison recently, then right after I read The Help by Kathryn Stockett, now I'm reading I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou and Beloved by Toni Morrison. They're all centered around the perspective of American blacks, and it is so interesting to piece together all of these different views... I can really picture a bigger picture now. I don't know, but it's just so awesome. I wish more people knew how I feel, so many people don't see the point of books and I really pity that kind of ignorance - books are a gift.

All righty well Costa Rica is calling, I don't know how much computer access I'll have throughout the trip, but obviously I found it today. Enjoy spring break!! Read, relax, and if you're not somewhere tropical then set a picture of somewhere tropical as your computer background. Looking at those almost makes me feel the warm breeze and the birds chirping.


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