Sunday, April 3, 2011

Double Recap All The Way

I guess I'll recap the past two days.

Friday was a pretty good day, I was glad when it was over. I went to ripple (NIPPLE) and didn't want froyo so while Tyler and Lindsay and Emily and Ian and co. were there I went to King Soopers and bought nail clippers and waterproof mascara. I've been needing those (nailclippers were lost somehow, and I need waterproof mascara for graduation). Then we hung out a bit outside nipple and then Ty drove us all back to fartview. :) Fairview.

I went to work out with my trainer Mel, she's so cool, and I worked out really hard. I'm still pretty sore in my butt and groin. I like working out, except the pain sucks, but I feel really happy while I'm doing it. And refreshed.
I went home to take a shower when Mark was like 'where u at' and I was like 'all up in hurr.' Well, that's not per se what was said but pretty close. So I went to Mark's for an hour to hang out with Ashley and Rick and Mark and watched part of Toy Story 3 when I had to leave to be with Talia. Talia and I had planned to party hardy but were too tired and didn't feel like searching the social jungle out for fun shit. So instead, we ate and bought candy and watched You Again. And went to sleep, some of us earlier than others (fall asleep during the movie).

In the morn' it was Saturday and I went to Russian, then to my performance class, then to White House Black Market (where I scored an interview WHADDAP) where I got my outfit for lobbying in DC. Then I went to pick up Ashley. Poor Ashley, she was in Denver and while she was parallel parking someone hit her, ripped her front bumper off, and drove away. Whaddadick. But she's being a trooper, keeping her chin up and shit. I have been cussing a lot lately, I should change that. Don't want nobody thinking I ain't classy or nothing.

Ashley and I went to the Flatirons Mall to get prom dresses, and got really pretty ones. I got mine from Macy's and Ashley's is from Fusion. Finding hers took a while because we went from store to store and a lot were nice dresses but not THE dress. That's an exaggeration, it's just that at Macy's there wasn't anything great for her, then at Dillard's there was an okay dress but they wouldn't let her put it on hold, but then at Fusion was the number one hit. Also my dress is really pretty.

Thennn Ashley and I came to hang out at my house and started watching She's The Man, which she's heard me talking about a lot before, so she finally got to see where a lot of my crazy spawns. After that, Mark and Zach picked us up and we went to karaoke. That was really fun, I sang Thank You by Dido and Ashley and I sang Wouldn't It Be Nice by The Beach Boys. It was really nice. Then Ashley and I started watching Bridget Jones' Diary and went to sleep. Partyin Partyin - YEAH - fun, fun, fun!


  1. cough cough. wouldn't it be nice by the beach boys. I won't give you crap for it though because I was distracting you during this blog post :)
