Thursday, March 24, 2011

Biology Is Cool

Today I felt like myself, but just really crampy. So I sat around and read a bunch of Beloved, wrote an effects statement, and eventually put on sun screen to go play water polo. Afterwards, I took a wonderful shower, then we went out to dinner. Throughout the meal I was trying not to fall asleep; I must be getting old or something.

It doesn't seem like chefs in Costa Rica are big fans of salt - I can't eat all these bland foods without it! I guess for me something either needs to have obvious taste or be spicy or something, otherwise I salt it to death. I had grilled mahi mahi in ginger sauce, steamed vegetables, and mashed potatoes. It was great, but I couldn't finish...

Have you ever tried really hard not to think about something? It always seems that when I try to keep something out of my head, that's when I most obsess over it. I keep trying to distract myself, but somehow things keep reminding me of it and it's like the world is telling me it's time to confront what I'm avoiding.. Or something. I've never been good at interpretation.

Tomorrow we're relocating to a hotel in a less remote part of Costa Rica and supposedly there will actually be people there. By that I mean there will be people my age. Here the population basically consists of middle aged couples, old couples, families with young children, and the party I'm with (we figured out that our average age is 34. We have ten people: my family of four, Liza's family of four, and Tanya and her daughter Anya).

Gosh, rereading my blog I wonder why anyone would read it.. I think maybe I just won't reread it anymore because it's very therapeutic to get all my thoughts out. It's like I have this empty, bottomless vessel that I can pour all my problems and feelings into. Which is nice, because I myself am an empty, bottomless vessel of feelings and problems. What a symbiotic relationship.


    i read your blog because i like you.

  2. I read your blog because of... gay. HAH. Get it? You wanna come home? Dew it.

  3. i like salt.
    i'm reading your blog because it's the only connection i have to you since you decided to shun me.
