Wednesday, March 9, 2011

This One Girl is a ho

I never really got it until today. I knew Mark and Ryan and them didn't like her, so we would joke about her faults. Before, I would just get annoyed that she talked like a tween and seemed stuck-up and just seemed dumb in general, but now I get It. She is stuck up and dumb and mean. Just.. Jeez.

I need some new sandals and I'd like a new swimsuit for when I go to Costa Rica, but I don't seem to have much time to find said things. I also have to change the oil in my car, but I don't know when I'm going to do that, either. Damn, life's a bitch.

Now on to the positives in life. Today Ashley and I did some math, which was nice, then we went to school, where I had to tolerate the kids in my Chinese class, then I hung out with Ashley and Mark, then I went to Digital Art (I'm almost done with my design! I just have to finish the Nutrition Facts), then I had a voice lesson, then I went home. I'm so tired, and I didn't even do that much today. Guess I'll do some work.

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