Wednesday, March 30, 2011

A Lot of This is About Drama

Today I had the first day of school after spring break. It was super. Except for I am pretty done with school - now senioritis is really killing me. Mark said something about being way more productive outside of school than inside, which hit me hard. I have so many extra curricular activities that I do things for, and I get so much done and I'm so interested in it - but when I have to do stuff for school nowadays it just seems so pointless..
Oh well.

My sunburn is slowly getting better. Today it was peeling - it was really gross. But also the new baby skin feels so soft compared to the crusty gross sunburnt skin that's peeling off. It's really nice. But it also hurts and looks disgusting. Like fear factor disgusting.

There is kind of a lot of drama going on with one of my friend groups, which is kind of nice. It means I don't have to talk about my own drama. It's not like I have any to talk about, but when everyone else is discussing theirs, I get to thinking 'do I have any drama in my life?' and I start digging around for it until I have something to complain about. And I hate complaining. So when other people take over that part of conversation, I can stay positive.

You know when you have a relationship with someone that you know should stay the way it is for external reasons, but on the inside you really want something different? Like one time I had a crush on a teacher of sorts, and ended up quitting because I got too excited when our knees touched. Or I dislike a lot of people but for the sake of community and unity and kindness I'm nice to them, to keep things drama-free. Well now I'm going through something like that, and it sucks.

Also I have been thinking about prom, and there isn't really anyone I want to go with, but I want to have a date, but I'm wondering.. Would it really be that bad to fly solo? I think it would be. Damn.

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