Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Today I was in a bad mood for a while for no reason.. That sucked. But at least I went on a really cool hike and saw geisers and mud boiling. That was awesome. It was called Rincon de la Vieja, and we didn't have enough time to go to the actual volcano, but we hiked all around it for around three hours.

In the evening we arrived at our beach abode. I took a shower because I felt the dirtiest I've ever been in my life, after that long hike (I was covered from head to toe in dust and I could swipe a finger across my leg and see brown dirt). We all went to the beach (which is MAYBE 150 meters away), then the pool (which was like 20 meters away from the ocean), then back to our rented villas to change and go to dinner (I had mahi mahi, which I've never had before, which was freaking AWESOME, with mango sauce). After eating, Sasha and Anya and Liza and I went to town to get groceries, and since we came back we've just been having fun.

Loving spring break.
Loving it.

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