Friday, April 15, 2011


Since the last time I posted, I feel a lot has happened. Monday I went to Washington DC, spent the day eating and lounging around the condo with my BYBA girlies. Tuesday we went lobbying and met with several legislative assistants and took a picture with Perlmutter. Talia, Gaelyn, and I spoke at the congressional briefing. It was awesome. Wednesday we hung out, ate, and went back home. Thursday morning I missed Chinese to go get this award for being an outstanding youth leader, which was awesome and I felt super honored, then I went to Chinese with Mark, Ryan, Ashley, and Slick. After hanging out, I went to ten minutes of Digital Art and Design 2, only to leave to go give a BYBA presentation to Manhattan Middle School 8th graders.

After all of that, I went to work out and suddenly was in a super angry venty mood and just yelled at 24 hour fitness, venting to Mel for like an hour. I apologized at the end for being so whiny, but she was totally nice about it. God, even just remembering it makes me angry. I whined about prom, my parents (I love them but sometimes they accidentally shrink my clothes), my love life, my academic life, my singing, and who knows what else? It felt neverending. But we figured out that we live crazy close, which was cool.

After that I went home, did a bunch of physics, then went to Ryan's for a The Office party. The episode this week was so good! Also Parks and Rec was hilarious.

Today was Friday, Friday, and you'd better believe I got down. I have SO MUCH WORK to catch up on. But it's okay because I'm on it. For LA it's not too bad, just annotating poems and do this timed writing, Chinese is a joke (I love it but there's no work), in math we didn't do anything concrete really, and mostly it's just physics I'm worried about. I have to make up this really long test. But that's next Thursday and I have a ton of time and it'll be fine. It's just that a ton of people have told me it's long and hard like a cock.

During Journalism today, I got asked to prom! It was super unexpected because I thought Stan was going to ask Emily, but then he asked me! It's funny because I guess all my friends already knew, but didn't tell me so it'd be a surprise. I love surprises.
I walk into the Jlab, say hi to people, ask Stan if he got a new haircut, he says yes, I say it looks good, we all sit down to listen to Eli (who has really become a leader! jeez, it's kind of impressive how much he's changed, just between being a section editor to being editor in chief), and Stan yells wait! And tries to say something in Russian while walking towards me with flowers. What he said was mostly incomprehensible, but I figured - what else could he be asking me? So that was cool.

In Digital Art and Design 2 we're watching Ironman 2. It's so cool and also it's funny because there's this 'Russian' villain who can't speak Russian or even pretend for shit. I just laugh at his attempts. Also they portray Moscow winters as summer compared to what they are in real life. The guy was wearing like a tank top and a jacket unzipped. Forgive me if I'm wrong, but even badasses bundle up - way up - for winter in Russia.

After school I hung out with Mark and Rick and Ryan and Ashley and a bunch of others came later. It was pretty fun but eventually I was tired and wasn't feeling it anymore so I went home.
AHHH I'm so tired and this blog has drained the last of my energy. Good night and good luck.

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