Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Tomorrow's 4-20! Time to smoke a fatty bowl! Just kidding.

Not the biggest fan of marijuana, not going to lie. It's just not exciting. It only serves as a drain of fun for me. So no thank you. But have fun everyone who is going to get super highh.

Today was cool. Nothing of interest happened. Nothing out of the ordinary.

I can't wait for summer - today Caty and I hung out for a while and it was just so nice, sitting around, not thinking about our responsibilities for a couple of hours... It was great. And this summer I don't think I'm going to have a job so basically that means I will hang out with all my loves 24-7!!!!! Time to partay. Wholesome, though.

I'm planning my graduation party. Should be fun.

Life is good in the hood, except for my AP tests coming up that I'm totally not ready for. Should be good. Awesome sauce. I can't wait for prom. I can't wait for summer. I need to get out of Fairview.

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