Sunday, April 17, 2011


I really want a stick shift car. I realize that it's just materialistic and I'm always wanting new things, but I still want it. The reason is it seems it would require more focus - thereby both making it fun and helping to keep the driver concentrated on the road and avoiding crashes. Also stick shift cars are cheaper. Also basically everyone I know drives stick and I want to fit in.

That was only half a joke.

So on Saturday I woke up way earlier than I wanted to so I could go to Saturday School. That was SUPER FUN - except for being not fun at all. The first three hours were super productive, but then I just ran out of cranial power. Ashley was super impressive and kept working and I felt jealous, but when I read more questions it just sounded like gibberish and I could not conceptualize what anything meant anymore. SOOOO now I know I should get enough sleep before the test and I for sure need to review math. Fucking a. After that I went home and wrote a bunch of paragraphs about why I rock (I mean, classier than that, but I feel that's a lot of what applying for things is) for this scholarship, then went to Pearl street and walked around for a while. I visited Mel at the Ritz, which was fun (I found this super awesome flower hair clip that was way too big to be tasteful but looked good, but it cost $18 which was ungodly). After that, I drove to Denver to hang with my little brother Daniel and saw my dad and step-mom. In the night I hung out with Tyler and Emily and Caty and some other cool cats, which was nice but we stayed up super late which made it really hard to get up this morning.

Today I went to Russian and realized that it's all well and good that I go to Russian school and I'm sure it's made a big difference in my literacy, but I will not be excellent until I live in Russia for a while. I need to figure out how to incorporate Russia into my life. Maybe study abroad?

After Russian I went to three different dry-cleaning places that were all closed. Which sucked. Finally I just saw one on the way home after I was basically giving up and dropped off some stuff there. I have never dry cleaned anything before.. I wonder what the technology looks like? When I got home I did some physics (which, as I'm sure you can imagine, was thrilling). I don't really care, though, because at this point I don't value Fairview's anything except the academic environment, which is super easy to excell in if you want to. I'm done pretending I love all the people, I'm done being unnecessarily nice. If you're not sure if I like you, a good way to double-check is to ask yourself these questions:
1) When I walk up to her, does Vally seem invested in our conversation? Or does she answer with one word and leave quickly?
2) When I talk to her, does Vally smile?
3) When I walk up to a group, do I see Vally walk away?
Because the truth is, I'm not downright mean to anyone (at least I don't think I am). If I don't like someone, I just don't waste time interacting with them. I'd rather be alone than be with a group of people I like and someone I really don't appreciate.

Christ! I am suuuuper self-involved. At least it must seem this way in this blog. But the truth is I care a lot about my friends. It's just this blog is for me. Sooo I guess it makes sense that it's self involved.

I went to Denver again to hang with Dima's parents (my grandparents) and Kirill and I tried to go swimming but the water was wayy too cold for me. We ate dinner and came home.

I have basically been falling asleep all day, and I think it's time to actually do that.
Self help may seem dumb, but it's actually a great way to maintain a positive outlook and look back and realize accomplishment. I read this huge thing for CU today about how to succeed in the engineering department, and it was super helpful. Okay now I'm going to bed.

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