Tuesday, April 5, 2011

What if You Could Fly Away?

Today after school Ashley and I were productive and did some math, then I went to BYBA, and interviewed with YOAB for a grant, then went home and was productive and did some work on Beloved and some work for Russian, watched Parenthood, and spent way too long deciding what to wear to my job interview tomorrow. Interviewing with White House Black Market!! I've wanted to work there for months. I hope my outfit isn't too casual - it's just a plain black long-sleeved shirt that's tight and not too low cut, a black pencil skirt with tan horizontal lines on it.. I figure I'll wear pantyhose and black flats and wear my hair half up? Agh, stressing about it won't help, but I really want to work there.

So I won this award for an outstanding youth volunteer and there's a breakfast for it next week.. I guess it's worth missing school for, but I've been missing a lot of school lately. But I actually don't really care about that, I just don't want my grade in math to drop any farther down. That's kind of shallow of me. But I do really like math, I just don't want to be in school anymore.

Poop. Good night and good luck.

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