Monday, February 21, 2011

Ew feelings

I got back from Moscow today, and what do you know! I'm super tired and a bit cranky. Hopefully after sleeping tonight I'll have a good school day tomorrow.

Do you ever get that feeling that you don't like something, but there's nothing you can do to change it (at least for a while), so you are just in a constant state of discontent about it? I wish there was always a 'right' thing to do so that those situations didn't arise. I hate not knowing how I feel or what I want or what to do. I just hate uncertainty, so I always try to decide things quickly or ahead of time, and when I don't know something I spend all my energy trying to figure it out. I'm super impatient.

Hopefully, with time, I will learn to change the things I can, accept the things I can't, and acquire the wisdom to know the difference.

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