Sunday, February 27, 2011


Today was a good day, up until about an hour ago, when drama kicked up. I went to work out, went to talk about a BYBA grant, then spent the rest of the day at home. I did some homework, took a nap, and read a bunch. Life is good.

This drama is taking a gazillion years to settle. I'm ready to move on. Life goes on, and so should I.

I Like People like James Bond

Today was a great day. It started with Russian, then working out, then swimming with the gang, then partying it up. It was fun.

I realized I have an interesting set of standards.. If someone doesn't intrigue me, I'm not really attracted to them, however attractive they may be. So be mysterious! Never let anyone know everything about you - 007style.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Three Day Weekend

Today was a great day. It started when I woke up next to Ashley, which was nice. We did a bunch of productive stuff and got a lot done for school, then I went to work out, then I went to watch No Strings Attached with Kira, then we chatted over tea. All in all, it was kind of like a regular Friday because I worked on academic things and then had a social life afterwards, but I didn't wake up at 6.

What do you do when someone blatantly just wants to fight with you? All I want is peace.

Taking Care of Business

Yesterday was a good day. I barely had to pay attention at school, I got a lot done, and I had a fun night with mis amigos. Ashley and I finally watched The Wall and Avatar; left on the list are La Gloire de Mon Pere and BMS.

I realized that a lot of the time, it's unnecessary to take others seriously. They don't really know what they're doing - a lot of life is guesswork. Being offended because someone said something dumb or did something dumb is a waste of time because it wastes your nerves, because they're just trying to find their way through life, and it distracts you from finding your way. Also, why focus on the faults of others when you can focus on bettering yourself?

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Good Things Stem from Bad Ones

Today wasn't the best of all days. I went to sleep late last night and almost all day I felt unsociable, tired, and partly apathetic. On the bright side, I got a lot done. I put up posters at Fairview for Eating Disorder Awareness week, bought Beloved by Toni Morrison for my English class, spoke at a board of directors meeting for the Boulder Youth Body Alliance, and had a voice lesson. 

One of the secrets of a long and fruitful life is to forgive everybody everything every night before you go to bed.  
~Francois de La Rochefoucauld

 I think I'm going to start that. It just makes me feel good. So today, I'm having a fresh start, and I forgive everyone for everything. I am moving on, grudges gone (hopefully), starting a journey of self-advocacy, support, and love. God, I feel really sick, so I'm going to bed.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Oh, men

Today was a relatively good day, especially in comparison to my past couple of months. I was happy and made a lot of jokes, some bad, I laughed a lot. It was good.

I just quickly want to qualify all those things people say about men. When people say men are dogs, the truth is they're probably talking about one man in particular. When people say you can't live with or without men, they are probably talking about one man in particular.
I think it's time for me to take a break from men, because they take up too much space in my head, and if that space was free, I could learn German or something.

Thanks for reading, good luck.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Ew feelings

I got back from Moscow today, and what do you know! I'm super tired and a bit cranky. Hopefully after sleeping tonight I'll have a good school day tomorrow.

Do you ever get that feeling that you don't like something, but there's nothing you can do to change it (at least for a while), so you are just in a constant state of discontent about it? I wish there was always a 'right' thing to do so that those situations didn't arise. I hate not knowing how I feel or what I want or what to do. I just hate uncertainty, so I always try to decide things quickly or ahead of time, and when I don't know something I spend all my energy trying to figure it out. I'm super impatient.

Hopefully, with time, I will learn to change the things I can, accept the things I can't, and acquire the wisdom to know the difference.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

First Blog!!

Well, hello, I guess you want to know about me.

My name is Vally, and I like various activities such as playing billiards, reading books, and kicking it with my homies.

Right now I'm on a trip to Moscow with my mom, who is a poet (among other things), and I'm really enjoying myself. Though it's freezing, I'm really enjoying the feel of the big city. There's a certain taste of opportunity in the air, it feels like anything could happen at any time... Pretty cool.

I don't have much else to say right now, I'm still getting used to the idea that someone might see this. 

Thanks for stopping by, San Diego.