Friday, June 8, 2012

The Look in Someone's Eyes

The look in someone's eyes
Is sometimes all you remember.

You can try so hard, in the moment,
Memorizing every cowlick of their hair
Every freckle and zit
The curvature of the nose
The shade and thickness of the lips
The tone of their voice,
The pause before their punchline...

But days, months, years later
The clearest morsel of your memory
Is not of them, per se,
But of the look in their eyes.
What stays with you is what lies in the windows to their soul.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


When you suddenly get REALLY horny? That shit is crayyyyy.

Friday, March 16, 2012

I'm not a bad person

I think it's okay to say things like 'that's gay' or 'no homo' if you're commenting on the irony of the statement and not insulting homosexuality. Even though one could argue that homosexuality is a biological mistake, but that's not what I want to talk about.

A few nights ago, I started crying because this kid I'm friends with wouldn't stop singing a song that I think is really vulgar and it just makes me uncomfortable, so when I asked him to stop singing it and he kept doing it, my first instinct was to cry. And I was like, "I can't believe I just cried. I'm so gay."

To me, it is clear that crying is not a sign of homosexuality any more than having arms is a sign of homosexuality. To me, that was a joke, because obviously I don't mean it and there is nothing wrong with crying, just like there's nothing wrong with being gay. I was also making a comment on how ignorant people sound when they're trying to insult something by calling it gay.

I hate that just because I'm trying to put humor into something sad, people automatically think I'm mean or racist or homophobic or what have you. I probably am slightly all of those things because of the way I was raised and where I grew up and everything, but all I'm doing is being honest about it and accepting that things are the way they are, and accepting that I'm not going to devote my life to trying to change them.

Yes, watching two men kiss makes me uncomfortable, but if a man and a woman were to kiss right in front of me, I would also be uncomfortable. Yes, being near black people is weird to me because I grew up in a place where seeing a black person was an event because there were so few of them. It makes me uncomfortable to be in situations that I haven't been in before, which doesn't make me a menace. It makes me human.